Saturday, February 10, 2007

List Within a List

Ok, so I've set a date of June 26, 2007 to have a few of my things marked off my list.

Why the 26th of June, because for no better reason than it's my birthday.

I noticed when I was organizing my 101 things that I might have gone overboard with the travel category. We'll see if I can accomplish all that travel in 2.75 years.

Anyway, here is my list within my 101 Things List:

#6 & #7 Research vacationing in New England and the Ozarks. I should try complete at least one this Fall.

#18 Once Project Linus blanket is finished sew a quilt.

#40 Lyle Lovett concert. Yeeeeeeeeees, DH is getting tickets for a March concert, belated Valentines celebration.

#47 & #27 I start a knitting class this week and the first project I'd like to complete is the baby blanket for Project Linus.

#58 Figure out which charity race I'm going to do and sign up for it.

#69 Have all CD's downloaded.

#73 Don't drive for a month.

#76 Wear eyeliner, lipstick, foundation, perfume for 1 month.

#77 Start wearing skirts and dresses. I've purchased a long jean skirt and a jean jumper. I'd like to start wearing a dress to church every Sunday.

#81 Organize my 101 list

#86 Practice yoga for 1 month.

#89 Robinson Crusoe - I'm going to cheat and listen to the unabridged MP3 version of the book. I'm going to listen to it and get my walking exercise in at the same time. I would like to have the book completed by April 8, 2007 - Easter Sunday.

#92 Start reading Elm Creek books.

#98 Write in my prayer journal everyday for 1 month.

#101 Study the Quakers

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